I need to lie down before I can revisit this list. A flood of trauma just enveloped my battered brain.

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Glad we can put a pin in this and circle back at a later date.

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“Look at the bigger picture” -

1.I haven’t a clue what you are talking about because you are being specific. Please use some general waffle that does mean anything so I can understand it.

2. I am pretending that I am better than you because I like to make out that I have some overall, mystical insight that no one else has.

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Only bigger picture I wanna look at is when my next vacation is

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“Strong leadership” - A bully, definitely not good leadership. Had a boss once who was assessed as having strong leadership. He thought it meant he was good. He wasn’t, he was just a bully.

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Strong, like a dictator

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Spot on! “Let’s all stay in our lane” = “Keep your nose out of my project.”

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I never saw the kimono one before. It's kind of scary.

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May 23Liked by Sam Colt

Yep. Now explain how business lexicon is universal. It's not even a virus, it seems to travel by osmosis.

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A friendly reminder that you must speak in convoluted jargon if you ever want a promotion.

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Perfect. Spot on.

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this is great! SO GREAT in fact that I may or may not have published a series of notebooks with the same vibe (I gifted some to my IT department, a bit passive aggressive, but they get it).

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Just a nudge. Could you please leverage your core competencies to fix my MacBook? It is currently engulfed in flames.

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IT crowd just watching it burn, eating popcorn.

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1000% Sam. Holy shit I’d forgotten how grateful I was to be ten years past this until I choked up my lunch reading your post. 😂😂

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Thank you for following up with your kind words. I trust that my post found you well.

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Nice form response 😂

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I will take a shot at the last one: "How can we stick a fork in it, if you dumb asses can't stop nuking them!"

I hope you put this on the wall of your cubicle for all to see.

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We need to microwave fish in retaliation!

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