It would be funnier if it weren’t all true. Fuck. 🙄

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These people need to be shipped off to Kansas and fenced in.

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You left out drag queen librarians and drag king custodians, just sayin

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I can't find it in my heart to bring the custodial (liberal) arts into this. They go through enough.

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You are not allowed to think what you say, anymore!

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That's why I don't think when I say.

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Biden's middle name is Robinette.

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Not according to my sources from Based Patriot Twitter!

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I see you’ve been reading the minutes from the LA County School Board again.

On a serious note people, today our Supreme Court has just given the government permission to censor American voices including journalists. Enjoy ur first amendment- as long as u remain in lock step w the current powers that be! Heaven help us all.

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Yeah SCOTUS as an institution is... pardon my Marxist jargon... pretty cringe.

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SCROTUS (R stands for rot)

If I was playing charades, you can picture my gesture.

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At least we have a responsible steward who wouldn't ever amplify misinformation or disinformation!

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Daddy Elon just wants some free speech. What kind of speech that entails is irrelevant. It's also $8/month to use Twitter for your free speech.

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I legit think these people are going to die from insanity. The mental energy required to be this mad for this long about fake shit surely shaves decades off one's life.

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Yeah, I had to delete my social apps and stop reading the news for a while because all it is was make me anxious and angry. Didn't see the point in being hyperaware of problems that I'm incapable of solving, and didn't see how any of this benefits my life in anyway. At best, following politics this intensely is intellectual masturbation; at worst, it's absolute crank shit.

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Going cold turkey on the news, especially the culture war shit, has been a phenomenal form of self care.

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Logging off >>>>>>> SSRIs

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Jun 28Liked by Sam Colt

This is at least my 4th sabbatical from the news this year 🤯

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