Sam thanks for this one. Kayne makes me sad, profoundly sad. I think your frankness in speaking to empathy and compassion for the man is spot on.

Donda… the parts that are good are legit a religious experience the parts that don’t work are blasphemous and not against God, against Kayne himself.

If Michelangelo went on a bender and decided to destroy his great works someone would have stopped him…but Kayne folks just let him keep sliding.

Depression is hard, it’s the worst hood I’ve ever lived in. It’s a dark mental space, lonely, without solace, and once a person starts getting paranoid in that headspace it’s hard to get out of alone. Depression can turn us toxic and once that happens it can really only be seen in hindsight.

Kanye isn’t to a place where he can have hindsight. He’s hurt and angry and firing on survival instincts. There’s fight, flight or freeze responses and sometimes a jumbling of those when we’re in trauma mode. I think Kanye is frozen in fight mode. It’s incredibly sad to think about but at the same time you’re absolutely right much of the fan base is willing to look away and not think too deeply. Easier to consume the trauma of an artist than face our own traumas both societal and individual.

I think I’ll light a few candles for Ye this week.

Thanks for the insights and analysis as always.

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When I was listening to "Vultures 2" the fact that there were AI verses and YouTube-to-MP3 rips struck me as puzzling and laziness. But now with the nitrous oxide rumors, now I wonder how much Kanye even consented to this album or how much of it are vultures trying to make a quick buck off him while he's easily exploitable?

It's just sad to see someone who contributed so much to music and culture and mean so much to so many people just blow up his career and his legacy. It's also sad to see these "Let's talk about mental health" fanatics relentlessly shit on Kanye because his outbursts aren't some weird quirky behavioral tic that fits neatly within the bounds of acceptable progressive norms. These so-called "empaths" are also full of shit. Kanye's behavior is unacceptable, but the man clearly needs help and sympathy.

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Another fair observation. I wonder how much consent and production feedback Kayne’s giving. It’s crossed my mind before now that could also be a problem. I’m disappointed with the situation but not Kanye. I think before anyone truly understood how serious the situation with his mental health was it had gone too far. Having lived through some real wrecking balls I’m just sad for him.

Like you I’ll probably continue to check out his new offerings because it’s clear that his artistic spark isn’t totally dead but definitely smothering. I hope Ye makes it up for air. The man hustled too hard to go down like this.

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After Vultures 2 I think I’m done. I don’t want this to turn into an Eminem situation where the cringe music ruins the good music for me.

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