The irony of this latest attempt is that Florida's gun laws are so lax that the charges are minimal at best. The dissonance these people live with is amazing. No wonder they're so pissed off all the time!

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If Trump being taken out gets more Republicans to support common sense gun control, that would be truly something.

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Wake me when he actually does get shot.

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All these 2A wannabe patriots and they can't even aim at a 260-pound target.

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It’s as if no one told them center mass. Oh wait any idiot can buy a firearm probably no one did.

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It is interesting to see what happens to the circus surrounding the Mango Mussolini if he and Vance do not win. Beyond the obvious fears of the election being questioned, challenged and contested, once the shouting stops and the dust settles the narcissistic shit fest of Maga will not have served the billionairatocracy well, it will have gutted the Republican Party and other than minor successes over banning naughty books from Florida libraries there will not be a lot to show for it. At that point the real money moves on. Just need Kamala to keep on being boring and professional and competent and avoid being anything but ‘not Trump’. I take the point about Gaza and she probably needs to run not walk from the Biden administration ass licking of Israel but also peeps need to get fucking real about what is controllable and influenceable in their back yard and stop playing geopolitical circle jerk.

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5 hrs ago·edited 5 hrs agoAuthor

Yeah, I'm under no impression that Trump or the GOP would be any more humane in their foreign policy, and obviously they would be far worse on the domestic front. This is such an obvious millstone around the Dems (not to mention horrific) that is does beg the question of why Israel has such a major influence on American geo-politics.

I'll push back about MAGA not serving the Republicans well in a specific regard. Trump was the most effective president in recent US history in confirming justices to all levels of the courts, which secures their increasingly minoritarian base from popular will. The GOP has locked up one third of the government and gave themselves a veto point against any progressive legislation. That is, unless the Dems pack the courts.


I'm worried that if Trump loses, it will spark an immediate backlash of stochastic domestic terrorism of election deniers. MAGA is a sign of the conservative moment in its death thrall, but my guess is it will unfortunately go down violently.

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Sadly I agree with your last sentiment, it will probably get ugly. I also take your point about the court stacking but that served the Christian fundamentalist agenda more than it necessarily served a traditional Republican agenda. The Federalist Society has certainly been successful at bringing the values of the 18th century back into American life but to me the culprit here is McConnell not Trump. Ole Bug Eyes fucked Obama then crammed Coney Barrett in on top, RBG didn’t help but I blame McConnell more than assign credit to Drumpf.

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