For the life of me, I will never understand this condescending liberal trope of, "you can't understand the average Trump voter until you connect deeply with these Tiktok jamokes who scream loud to celebrate capitalist nihilism." Lowering who we are to this subterranean level of discourse to understand why people support American fascism is what got us into this mess.
It's very anthropological, as if we're treating these people like they're a separate species instead of suburbanites who watch Fox News instead of MSNBC.
I’m inclined towards socialism a bit more than fascism, but I still consider myself a swing voter. Gonna wait and see what these fashy types have to offer. Maybe they got something with double fudge chocolate chunk.
For the life of me, I will never understand this condescending liberal trope of, "you can't understand the average Trump voter until you connect deeply with these Tiktok jamokes who scream loud to celebrate capitalist nihilism." Lowering who we are to this subterranean level of discourse to understand why people support American fascism is what got us into this mess.
It's very anthropological, as if we're treating these people like they're a separate species instead of suburbanites who watch Fox News instead of MSNBC.
Funny and depressing. I don't understand anything.
There’s nothing to understand. Embrace the chaos.
I’m inclined towards socialism a bit more than fascism, but I still consider myself a swing voter. Gonna wait and see what these fashy types have to offer. Maybe they got something with double fudge chocolate chunk.
You will get Dr. Oz running Medicare and you will like it!