I don't think they're using "demure" properly. "Demure" means shy, meek and retiring- TikTok is none of those things.

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They are definitely not using demure properly lol

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I live by one acronym: JOMO.

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I wish I could fully detach from social media, but my job prevents that.

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I feel your pain. I decided to create a teenage girl for my next longform project, which proves I'm insane.

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My goal in life is to be old and passionate enough to be old and yelling at clouds.

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Step away, Sam. Step away. Nice and slow. That's it. Ok, buddy. It was a close one, but you're alright.

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Until I have to be back on it again for work

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Girl dinner because junk food/charcuterie should be gendered? I get what it is but not why it is. Is there boy dinner, guy dinner, dude dinner, or is that just a steak? If so don’t “girls” eat steak…

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Yeah or "girl math," "mansplaining," etc. Why are we gendering behavior while trying to push back against gender norms? Seems strange to me.

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I can maybe get behind the other points, but mansplaining certainly is gendered for a very good reason.

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I can relate to these observations about TikTok. And here’s my addition to the discussion: I'm tired of being told that to be successful, creators must throw their legs in the air and get the Great Wall of China shoved up their ass sideways.

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