"We’re all stuck in a time loop because we’ve become hopelessly addicted to the experience of never growing as people."

...which has resulted in the film and television business now being run by people who prefer to resurrect dated and hoary concepts from the past to make money, at the expense of reviving the creativity which should be driving those businesses.

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Yeah, it's all focus-group tested. I wouldn't have a problem with it if it just stayed in the mainstream (these movies have existed forever), but it seems like it's bleeding into everything.

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We'll have to wait it out until the companies go bankrupt or they decide to go back to being run by actual human beings with distinct individual personalities, whichever comes first.

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My greatest fear about "AI" is not that it will supersede human creativity, but that enough people are artistically illiterate enough to think that it's good, and that studio execs are venal and cynical enough to pander to it.

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The executives have been pandering to the uneducated "masses" since Hollywood began in the 1910s. That they managed to make some good movies while doing that is coincidental.

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Jun 18Liked by Sam Colt

Excellent rant. 👏

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God I love the word Gormless. Thanks for the reminder Sam ☺️

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"in the broader scheme of America’s stage-managed decline; it’s like watching your house burn down and then getting angry because your toaster is busted." Says it all for me.

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Phew, that was a full meal... will take me a while to digest. You dissected everything very precisely and I cannot contradict you. Doesn't make me very happy though - thought to myself that you might market your rant as an anti-antidepressant.

Reminded me of a German cabaret artist who presents himself as a de-motivator. His program is titled "Optimism is just a lack of information". Anyway, thanks for your rant!

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